
3 Easy Steps to Get the Right People Around You When You Stop Drinking

Embarking on the journey to quit drinking is a significant decision, akin to setting out to climb a formidable mountain. Much like scaling a peak, this endeavor requires careful preparation and the invaluable support of a reliable team.

In this article, we will explore three easy steps to ensure you surround yourself with the right individuals who can provide the necessary assistance on your path to sobriety.

As you take this substantial step towards a healthier lifestyle, understanding the importance of assembling a supportive network is crucial, much like selecting the appropriate gear for a challenging mountain ascent.

Let’s delve into the strategies that will guide you in building a robust support system for your journey towards a life free from alcohol dependence.

Step 1: Lean on Family and Friends


Your family and friends are your personal cheerleaders. They know you best, and they can be your strongest support. But sometimes, it’s hard to open up about your struggles with alcohol. Here’s how to start:

  1. Choose the Right Time and Place: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted. It’s important that both you and they are relaxed.
  2. Be Honest and Open: Share your decision to quit drinking. Explain why it’s important to you and how their support can make a difference.
  3. Set Clear Expectations: Let them know specific ways they can help. Maybe it’s by not drinking around you or checking in regularly.
  4. Accept their Reactions: Everyone reacts differently. Some might be super supportive, while others might not understand right away. Give them time.

Remember, your family and friends love you and want to see you succeed. Turning to them can make your journey less lonely and more achievable.

Step 2: Join a Support Group like AA

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can be a game-changer. They connect you with people who are walking the same path. Here’s why they’re great:

  1. Shared Experiences: In AA, you meet others who’ve been where you are. Their stories can inspire and motivate you.
  2. A Sense of Community: You’re not alone. Being part of a group gives you a sense of belonging.
  3. Structured Support: AA follows a 12-step program that provides a clear path to follow. This structure can be really helpful in your journey.
  4. Anonymity and Safety: These meetings are a safe space where you can share without judgment.

Finding the right group might take time. Try a few different meetings to see where you feel most comfortable.

Step 3: Seek Professional Counseling


Embarking on the path to sobriety involves a pivotal step—seeking professional counseling. Trained counselors and therapists specialize in assisting individuals facing challenges akin to yours, providing a level of expertise and personalized guidance that can significantly enhance your journey toward recovery. Here’s an in-depth exploration of how professional counseling can contribute to your overall well-being:

  1. Develop Coping Strategies: They’ll teach you how to handle cravings and deal with triggers.
  2. Work Through Underlying Issues: Often, drinking is a symptom of deeper problems. A therapist can help you understand and address these.
  3. Provide Objective Insight: Sometimes, you need an outside perspective. A counselor offers unbiased advice and support.
  4. Maintain Privacy: Everything you share with a counselor is confidential. This privacy can make it easier to open up.

To optimize the benefits of professional counseling, it is imperative to select the right therapist. Seek an individual with a solid background in addiction counseling and with whom you feel a sense of comfort and rapport. Remember, this step is an investment in your well-being, and finding the right professional support can be a transformative factor in your journey toward lasting sobriety.

Communicating Your Needs


As you actively cultivate your support network, it’s imperative to emphasize the importance of clear communication regarding your needs. In this transformative process, it’s essential to recognize that individuals around you are not endowed with mind-reading capabilities, and their ability to provide effective support hinges on your ability to articulate your requirements.

Thus, maintaining open lines of communication becomes pivotal. Don’t hesitate to vocalize your needs, as doing so fosters a more cohesive and understanding support system.

By expressing your requirements openly, you empower those around you to respond in ways that align with your journey toward sobriety. Remember, effective communication serves as the bedrock for fostering a supportive environment, ensuring that everyone involved is on the same page and working collectively towards your well-being.

Other Support Options


In addition to relying on the steadfast pillars of family, friends, participation in AA, and seeking professional counseling, a spectrum of alternative resources is available to bolster your journey toward sobriety. Diversifying your support network can significantly enhance your coping mechanisms and reinforce your commitment. Consider the following supplementary options:

  1. Online Support Groups: In an era dominated by digital connectivity, anonymous sharing in online forums and communities has become an accessible and valuable avenue. Seek out reputable online platforms where individuals navigating similar challenges share experiences and offer mutual support.
  2. Books and Resources: Delve into the extensive library of literature dedicated to overcoming alcohol addiction. Books, whether memoirs, self-help guides, or scientific insights, can furnish you with valuable perspectives, coping strategies, and motivational anecdotes, enriching your understanding of the recovery process.
  3. Apps: Leverage the power of technology through specialized apps crafted to assist individuals on their journey to quit drinking. These applications can serve as multifaceted tools, monitoring your progress, providing daily motivations, and facilitating connections with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of community even in the digital realm.


In conclusion, the construction of a robust support system emerges as an indispensable facet of your voyage towards abstaining from alcohol.

This pivotal undertaking involves deliberately encircling yourself with individuals who not only care deeply about your well-being but also possess a profound understanding of your journey and can provide insightful guidance. It is essential to recognize and embrace the idea that seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step towards self-improvement.

Furthermore, the journey to sobriety is unique for each individual, and it’s entirely acceptable to explore various support options until discovering the one that resonates most with your needs.

By embracing this flexibility and being open to diverse avenues of support, you empower yourself to tailor your support network to align seamlessly with your personal journey. With the right people by your side, you fortify your commitment to a life free from alcohol, enhancing your strength and resolve.