
Mihaela Garbuzov’s Story: Folk Music and Folklore—Crafting Diverse Communities

Mihaela Garbuzov, a talented folk singer from Moldova, has been passionate about folk music and traditions since childhood. Her cultural roots and love for her country’s music allowed her to make a significant impact early in her career.

This article highlights the key moments and strategies that helped Mihaela overcome challenges and shape her fate.

A Foundation in Education


Mihaela’s first instructor was her father, who had an exceptional voice and a passion for music, which helped ignite her interests. Her father encouraged her to continue in the arts. She also took part in workshops run by musicians at her high school, where she was taught how to interpret different songs academically.

After Mihaela finished secondary school, she was sent to college in the capital. Still, her studies were outside the area of art or music. Like many other families in the Republic of Moldova, her family believed that art and music would not provide enough stability for their offspring. They gladly supported her decision to pursue a safer career path.

Mihaela pursued her passion for the arts with the “Cetina” folklore ensemble, where she studied music theory, composition, and performance, focusing on traditional, like Moldovan, and contemporary popular music. Her participation in the group was also a keystone in her becoming the lead singer and representing it in various competitions and festivals.

Early Career and Collaborations

As a participant in the “Cetina” ensemble, Ms. Mihaela commenced her journey in folk music, competing in the majority of competitions and music festivals at a rather young age. This early exposure enabled her to work with other musicians in the profession, learn from them, and thus increase her skill level.

In addition to performing as a soloist, Mihaela also directed traditional songs using original material in the folk music style and theme. Upon her graduation from college, she continued her education at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, where she had the honor of working for a month with top talents at the prestigious Geneva Opera Academy.

Significant Achievements

Mihaela’s dedication and hard work were soon rewarded by stand-out achievements. In 2017, she received the title of laureate at the “On Honor, On Duty-” Military Song Competition, which was judged by the famous musician and folklorist Nicolae Gribincea. She received this award, validating her talent and dedication and encouraging her to pursue her passion further.

A Noble Mission and Future Aspirations


The enduring charm of national folklore comes from its ability to be passed down through generations, preserving its cultural legacy. This tradition of transmitting folklore from generation to generation inspires Mihaela’s mission to mentor the youth in the Romanian and Moldovan diaspora of Chicago.

She aims to establish a popular music school and a scholarship fund for emerging Romanian and Moldovan musicians. If successful, this initiative will greatly impact the preservation and revitalization of Romanian and Moldovan folk traditions, as well as the fostering of cultural exchange and community diversity.

At the same time, she is running a community-focused mission, and Mihaela has dedicated herself to improving her stage performance. The ultimate goal when she works on new recordings as a solo artist and in a group is to create a new set of songs, and her idea of transforming modes of folk song interpretation through which modern issues are expressed is one of the long-term outcomes of this.

Mihaela Garbuzov is an authentic representative of the Romanian and Moldovan folklore, promoting her culture beyond her national borders. She is very much committed to the art and tradition wherever she goes, and this is reflected in her community work and artistic deeds.

Through her journey, Mihaela represents the limitless potential of the art of music and cultural heritage to create dynamic and multi-faceted local communities.