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4 Commonly Asked Questions About Facelifts

Facelifts are commonly misunderstood procedures. While some might look at a facelift as something unnecessary or complicated, others might see it as a simple way to feel better about the way they look. Facelifts aren’t very invasive, they last for a long time, and they’re a great way to rejuvenate the way you look and feel.

We’re going to address some of the common questions that people have about facelifts in this article and you can keep reading more at this website. We hope that the information below can clear up some of the confusion and inform you as to whether you should consider a facelift yourself.

1. Are Facelifts Safe?


Facelifts are safe when you work with a professional and qualified plastic surgeon. There is also another method in called natural facelift St. Louis. This is even safer compared to the conventional as it is done without surgery. The risks of facelifts are mostly cosmetic, although some patients could experience infection, hematoma, or temporary nerve weakness. Those risks diminish a great deal when working with an experienced surgeon, though.

The cosmetic risks include undesirable scars or a long healing period where your face could be noticeably different. That said, those risks aren’t likely. Facelifts are one of the most common cosmetic procedures for individuals in The United States. They’re not a new fad that will fade away. People have been safely getting facelifts for decades, and the safety and efficacy of the procedure have improved over that time.

2. Will I Have Scars?


Facelift scars are contained in or beyond the hairline so they’re not visible to other people. Further, a careful incision by a good surgeon can ensure that there won’t be much if any scar tissue at all.
The incision points are chosen to ensure that any scarring will be very difficult to notice. The hairline is a very common place for the incision to take place. Further, the natural contour of different areas like the ear can be locations to place very inconspicuous incisions.

It’s also important to note that the scarring from facelifts isn’t deep or bold. In most cases, the scar tissue is thin and white, becoming very difficult to see at all once it has healed. You might not even be able to point out the scar after a while. If the scarring is visible at all, it would be almost indistinguishable from a fold in the skin or a slight smile line.

3. Who Is a Good Candidate?


Anybody who is experiencing changes to their skin and would like to change the way their face looks is a good candidate. That said, most people start to consider a facelift after they’ve reached the age of forty.

If you’re starting to see signs of aging before that point, though, there’s no reason that you couldn’t have some work done on your face. It’s a procedure that’s not very invasive and poses few risks for complications. There may be a few preexisting health conditions that would make it dangerous to get a facelift, however.

If you’re on blood-thinning medications, you might be at a higher risk for a hematoma. Issues like diabetes or heart disease could also interfere with your ability to get a facelift.
In the absence of interfering disorders, though, there’s no reason a person can’t get a facelift well into old age.

Some individuals might find that their results are better than others, however. People with bold bone structures might have a little more resilience when it comes to adjusting the face back into position. Further, excessive damage to the skin could make it hard to produce significant results.

4. What Is the Process Like?


You’ll sit down for a consultation with your plastic surgeon and get an understanding of what will be done in your particular case. Then, if you agree to go through with the procedure, you’ll set a procedure date. Before the procedure, you can get either local or general anesthesia.

Local anesthesia numbs just one part of your body, whereas general anesthesia puts you “under” or makes you unconscious.
This is recommended due to the pain that you could experience if you were awake, although some people might prefer not to use anesthetics. It’s highly recommended that you do so, though, because tense muscles or responses while the surgery is underway could cause complications.

Once the procedure is underway, the surgeon will lift the skin through a couple of incisions and adjust the muscles underneath. The tissues and muscles under the facial skin can be tightened from there. Fat in the targeted areas can also be removed, adjusted, or sculpted. Additional skin might be removed if necessary as well. Then, the facial skin is laid back into position and the incisions are stitched.

The process takes a couple of hours in most cases if the facelift is the only procedure you’re having done at that time:

Facelift Recovery Side Effects

After the procedure is over, it will take a few days for everything to work its way back to normal. You might experience a little bit of pain in the areas that were operated on. There could be some swelling, sensitivity, numbness, bruising, or even slight drainage from the incision points. You might have some bandages or tubes in place to prevent those symptoms from being any more uncomfortable than they have to be.

Your doctor will have several recovery suggestions and tips that you can use to reduce any symptoms you might experience. The recovery method might change slightly based on your face, the procedure, and any issues that are specific to your procedure. Further, there will be a couple of appointments that occur after the facelift surgery to remove any drainage tubes and check on your healing. After that, you should only have to see your doctor if any unusual issues or aches and pains occur.

Interested in Learning More?

Facelifts are an exciting opportunity for anyone that wants to revitalize their look and feel a little younger. There’s no harm in finding ways to feel better about the way you look.