The caviar is often counterfeited, so as a caviar store, we must tell our customers how to distinguish the delicacy from the fake. Any expensive product is not only an indicator of wealth and solidity. It is also an object of desire to counterfeit it.
Unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers who thirst for profit cheapen the product, passing it off as a quality product. The manufacturer sometimes openly declares it faux caviar. However, few people know what it is and how good such products are. The experts of our caviar shop will tell you the whole truth.
How Is It, a Real Delicacy?

The first thing to understand is that only sturgeon caviar is considered authentic. The family of these fish includes beluga, sturgeon, starred sturgeon, and spiny sturgeon. According to Wikipedia, there are three main types of delicacy according to the kind of fish:
- beluga;
- sturgeon;
- starry sturgeon.
The most significant and valuable of these is beluga caviar. So, all other products, called caviar, but not having the name of these fish in their composition, are fake.
And what about the red caviar? Even though there is such a concept, it cannot be called caviar. This does not mean that such food is not useful or not valuable. On the contrary, it is an excellent alternative. However, there are fakes here too, so choose a delicacy of:
- salmon;
- trout;
- fin;
- mackerel;
- capelin;
- masago;
- tobiko
Fish and caviar are products that must be of high quality. Otherwise, the consequences can be very sad.
Fake Product

Fake black caviar was developed at the end of the last century. Such a creation sometimes has nothing to do with fish or products of marine origin. Of course, fake caviar vs real caviar has many flaws. However, a substitute is a new gastronomic experience when considering them as completely different products. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to talk about which mock caviar is better. The product’s safety comes first here, as your willingness to try something new.
Synthetic caviar is only an imitation. The appearance and fishy taste are the only features they have in common with authentic products. Gelatin balls are similar in appearance to the delicacy thanks to dyes, and flavorings are used to create a similar savor. As a result, vegetarians often choose the surrogate product. Nevertheless, this does not allow putting two products on the same shelf.
Despite its unnaturalness, such a product is not necessarily harmful. Suppose the manufacturer honestly states that the product is artificial and does not hide its composition. In that case, the consumer can safely read the ingredients and decide on the safety of eating it. Experts note that imitation is a hearty product with few calories. However, the high salt content can affect the body, so consumption should be cautious. In addition, allergic people are cautious about artificial food. Indeed, lactic and citric acids can cause a reaction in people prone to allergies. However, Omega 3 and fatty acids in the surrogate are helpful components. Therefore, if you are a healthy person who wants to try something new, synthetic caviar is not a threat to you.
Production of caviar is constantly being improved, using modern technology. The main purpose of such modernization is to get as close as possible to the look and taste of the real product. True caviar or sturgeon products are partially used to achieve the best results. The price remains more affordable compared to the genuine product, but the quality improves. Not only product and methods are improved, but also the equipment. As a result, the pricing policy for imitation caviar has a fairly wide range.
The global spread of fake caviar has led to its recipe is far from a secret. Many housewives make it on their own at home. This way, you know exactly what you use, and the responsibility for the product lies only on you. The homemade product can not be stored for a long time, but it is more natural than the store analogues.
How to Distinguish a Real Delicacy from a Fake?

When the manufacturer and seller do not hide from you the proper composition and directly state that they offer a substitute, then there is nothing criminal about it. In that case, only the buyer decides whether to buy such a delicacy. Such a relationship is honest and takes place. But when you are offered a counterfeit in the form of a genuine treat for a lot of money, such a purchase can be a huge disappointment. To avoid such situations, you must trust reliable producers and sellers and understand how to distinguish the fake.
A transparent container will make it possible to visually assess the quality and authenticity of the delicacy still in the store. Color and density, the amount of liquid will give you a first impression of the contents of the jar. The same black color of the eggs will probably indicate that the product is fake. Manufacturers of quality treats will proudly write the name of the fish from which they extracted the caviar. Additional spices or other substances, except salt, can not be present in the composition. The type of processing is necessarily written on the label of the product:
- pasteurized;
- unpasteurized;
- pressed
Go down the label and look for the expiration date. An unpasteurized product cannot be stored for more than two months and a pasteurized one for more than eight months. A long shelf life indicates the use of preservatives, which negatively affect the taste of your favorite delicacy, or that it is counterfeit. Ideally, the temperature for quality storage is between -4 and -2 degrees Celsius.
Having the necessary product documentation is a guarantee of providing high-quality products, so don’t hesitate to ask for it. An honest company never hides such information from its customers. All these activities can be performed just before the purchase. But when the product is already at home, there are a few life hacks to help ensure the authenticity of the product.
A real treat has a rich bouquet of flavor that gradually reveals itself. Tasters describe it as buttery, nutty, earthy, and slightly bitter. It lingers in the mouth, playing on different notes. The characteristic fishy smell with bitterness is 100% fake. The proverbial pop of the eggs is also different. In a natural product, it’s a gentle crackling sound, not just popping bubbles.

Artificial caviar itself has a right to exist. It has a particular demand and has its consumers. However, it is only good when the manufacturer is honest about it, and the buyer consciously decides. In the other case, it is pure fraud. Therefore, it is better to have the necessary information beforehand and not hesitate to ask questions, clarify and assert your rights to avoid falling for such tricks. The honest company is always on the side of its customers. The products presented in the store should be safe and of high quality.