Do you know some people, especially females, have never reached an orgasm since they became adults? While many people can’t live without orgasms, a considerable number of individuals worldwide live without them. Orgasms are universal experiences, but many people don’t know some facts about them.
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That said, here are the top 5 facts about orgasms you probably don’t know but need to:
Some women reach orgasm prematurely

When premature ejaculation is discussed, it is usually centered around men. Premature ejaculation refers to the condition in which a sexually aroused man ejaculates with very little stimulation. In most cases, this condition occurs a few seconds after initiating sex or, sometimes, even before the whole game starts.
Premature ejaculation is embarrassing to many guys and affects anything from 20-30 percent of males at one point or another. This is according to a review published in Urological Science in March 2013.
However, you may be surprised to discover that not only guys experience premature ejaculation. According to the study of Portuguese women published in Sexologies, up to 40 percent of the participants occasionally experience premature ejaculation long before they intended to. Furthermore, about 3 percent of these women peak too soon chronically.
But a much more widespread problem that should be addressed is the inability of some women to reach orgasm. According to a study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 10-40 percent of women reported having difficulty or were unable to reach orgasm.
Orgasms have been proven to relieve the pain associated with menstrual cramps
Many women hate that time of the month for one reason; excruciatingly painful menstrual cramps. Such women always have a few bottles of painkillers close by so they can pounce on them the minute those cramps kick in.
However, only a few women know that solo-style sex or a romp in the hay may relieve the pain linked with menstrual cramps. But that is if the women reach orgasm.
The muscular and chemical cascade usually involved during orgasms helps relieve period pain. Therefore, engage in more sex and masturbation to relieve menstrual pain and enjoy profound relaxation and distraction.
There is also evidence that orgasm relieves other types of pain, including pain after surgery, pain from arthritis, and even pain during childbirth. The ability to combat pain when experiencing one of life’s sweetest pleasures can be attributed to the release of oxytocin during orgasm.
Oxytocin facilitates bonding and relaxation as well as other positive emotional states. Though the pain relief is usually short-lived – about 8 to 10 minutes – it can be profound.
Reaching orgasm for women is not an easy feat

As mentioned earlier, approximately 10 to 40 percent of women have difficulty reaching orgasm. The truth is so many reasons are behind a woman’s inability to have orgasms. That is why pinpointing the exact cause is often challenging.
Some reasons range from anxiety and stress to past trauma and medical issues. Another study indicated that lubrication, arousal difficulty, and age are among the top reasons behind women’s inability to reach orgasms.
No matter the reasons, if you’re experiencing difficulty in reaching orgasms, consider discussing the issue with your medical doctor. The primary aim of this discussion is to rule out any underlying issues or roadblocks that may be behind your inability to have orgasms, which could be emotional or physical.
Orgasm gets much better with age

Do you know the frequency and quality of orgasms significantly improve with age? Your sex life is definitely not one of the things you should gripe about when it comes to age.
According to a recent study, 61 percent of women aged 18 to 24 experienced orgasms the last time they rolled in the hay. In addition, up to 65 percent of women aged 30 and above had orgasms the last time they had sex, while a whopping 70 percent of women aged 40 to 50 had orgasms.
The survey did not precisely indicate why orgasms seemed easier with age. Nevertheless, these older women likely had more sexual experience, which fueled their confidence in the bedroom. In addition, women in this category are usually unafraid to voice out what they want before, during, and even after sex.
Moreover, intimacy and trust could be heavily involved, especially in long-term relationships. Women in long-term relationships tend to embrace the ride and relax more on the way to the big O.
Guys have a G-spot, too
Women are universally known to have the mysterious G-spot. Mysterious in the sense that a woman’s G-spot is usually difficult to locate. Some doctors or sex therapists say the G-spot can be found in the female organ and is responsible for setting off earth-shaking orgasms if found and properly stimulated with a penis or the fingers.
But many do not know that guys also have the same orgasmic capability. According to research, the anatomical equivalent of the G-spot in men is the frenulum. The frenulum refers to the group of highly sensitized nerves just beneath the penis head.
Whether or not the G-spot exists is a subject that has been up for debate for decades. Nevertheless, men and women can enjoy satisfying sex lives and experience rock-moving orgasms anytime they want without necessarily stimulating these so-called areas of sexual explosion.
Bonus point: It is not all about reaching orgasm

While reaching orgasm is the ultimate pleasure accompanying sex, it is essential to note that sexual pleasure is personal. Not everyone wants or can have an orgasm during sex.
Eliminating the pressure of reaching orgasm or climax can benefit some individuals. Sex is about enjoying yourself, but it should be consensual, and you should have fun.
These are the top 5 facts about orgasms you should know. Of course, many other facts are out there, with a few still under scientific study. But these top five always spark discussions and are mostly unknown to most guys and women.