If you have ever considered using healthier, more natural products for your pets as opposed to the generic off the shelf options that you find in supermarkets which are filled with additives or preservatives, then you are not alone.
More and more people are opting to go organic, looking for all-natural and chemical-free alternatives to ensure a longer, better quality of life for their furry family members. We change and tweak our diets and lifestyles to be fitter and healthier, thus it only makes sense to treat our pets with the same nutrition and love.
Choosing the right product for your animals is going to take research and homework on your part, but when you’re done, your pet will thank you for it. Of course, the best source of guidance for your pets is your vet, so be sure to discuss food options with them first. Check out Bivvy.com to help cover the many vet appointments that come with being a pet owner, whether the visit is to talk about food options or an emergency.
Knowing which brand or product type is going to determine your budget, but you also need to consider which implementation will best suit your lifestyle. You are after all the one that is going to have to add it to their meals or food items.
Making a decision

The wonder ingredient on the market at the moment is one that is changing the lives of humans as well as animals across the globe and with much success.
This flower, known as CBD is not only naturally grown, but when harvested and manufactured correctly using the safest extraction methods – carbon dioxide process – you eliminate the harmful element THC which is found in its counterpart cousin, the marijuana plant.
When purchasing a CBD product always be sure to buy from a reliable and reputable source, check that they are legal and licensed to sell the products and that they have the correct concentration ratio to THC, for the product to be considered safe a THC percentage of 0.3 and less is needed.
What to look for

The packaging label on the bottle or box can tell a lot about a product, check the source of origin, the area where the item is produced can usually be seen online and checked if abiding by government farming and harvesting regulations.
A company who prides themselves on a quality product will have no issue advertising their methods of extraction as well as the concentration quantity within the dosage. Contact details readily available on their website indicate they are available and willing to answer any queries or inquiries as needed.
You want to make sure you are giving your pet the right dosage for their size and weight, so as not to overdose, or if too little no effects will be seen or felt by them, and so making it a waste. To find out more when it comes to giving your cat the right amount, you can click and learn more here, not only can you see the variety of product options available but a CBD product specifically tailored to your furball.
Like with humans we all have preferences and various needs, and it is no different for cats. Some may need more nutrients than others, few have high energy levels and enjoy an active lifestyle, giving them a CBD infused meal or supplement will help them maintain this ‘enthusiasm’ for life while aiding them naturally in a stress and pain-free future.
The world of CBD
Deciding how to add CBD to your pets ‘meal plans may seem tricky or even overwhelming for some if this is your first venture using CBD, but with the online platforms and societies readily available and eager to learn about new products, you are one step in the right direction.
Pet owners and home cooks are flooding the food and beverage market daily with new recipes, experimental trials that have had great success and rave reviews, and even experienced chefs are trying their hand at the next best Cannabidiol dinner.
To try new and innovative recipes and begin your CBD journey, see here for some tried and tested pet meals and get your chef buds buzzing. Your pet will thank you for it and within a few quick weeks, you’ll begin to notice a difference in your pet.
Animal lovers and cat owners have raved about how glossy and luscious their pets’ fur looks, their coats were thicker, and animals who once had a slow start to the day now woke up with a renewed energy and zest for life. Their only issue was that they only wished they had found it sooner rather than later.
Their pet gets the chance to live the quality of life they deserve, and with the added benefits of health positives, they receive the plus sides of an ingredient that is all-natural and with no harmful chemicals or pesticides. Win-win.
A final word
Life as we know it is getting more fast-paced as ever, big corporations and companies are mass producing products by any means possible, supply and demand are at an all-time high and because of this, the methods they tend to use may not be as chemical or toxic-free as we would like.
Take your time to do your homework when it comes to choosing an authentic CBD product, you, your family, as well as your pet deserves it. CBD may be an organic and all-natural ingredient but it can’t help anyone, man or beast if it is filled to the brim with unpronounceable additives.
At the end of the day you want to live your golden years feeling as young as ever, am I right?