
What To Expect When Looking For Presale Tickets

Getting tickets to your favorite concert can be quite an ordeal. It’s especially true if the artist you’re hoping to see is super-famous. So, how do some people manage to find tickets no matter what?  Well, one of the biggest reasons is being able to participate in presale events. If you’re not familiar with presale events and what to expect when looking for presale tickets, read on to learn more. Presales could very well change your luck when it comes to staying ahead of the scramble for tickets.

Find out about presale events, presale tickets, what’s great about them, and who gets access to them. So, what about presales? Presales exactly mean what the word means- a sale before the actual sale. It’s an effective tactic for the event organizers to get a rough idea about how excited fans are about an event.

A particular selection of tickets for specific seats is made available for sale for interested fans at a presale. The types of tickets or ‘ticket inventory’ put up for a presale vary from artist to artist. You can’t say for sure what sort of tickets will be available at a presale. 

If the initial event is successful, the organizers may choose to hold more presales


However, the first few rounds usually have a better selection to offer. You could find the same kind of tickets at a general sale as well, but the point of a presale is to allow exclusive fans to get early access and avoid missing the opportunity to find tickets during a general sale. Check here for more information. You’d be surprised how fast tickets can disappear during a general sale.

Usually, it only takes a few quick minutes for big events to sell out. So, if you don’t want to take your chances, a presale is worth your while. It not only ensures you have a fighting chance of getting tickets early, but if you do manage to get a presale ticket, your preparation for the concert is going to be a breeze.

With presale tickets at your disposal

You’ll be able to make plans earlier than most people would. If the event your attending is in another state or country, you can book airplane tickets earlier, make reservations at a hotel way ahead of time, and do all that good stuff. It’s just the best way to have a great time without worrying about overspending. 

To reiterate, presale tickets are usually the same price as general sale tickets. It may sometimes go for higher or lower depending on the event’s success, but the margin of the price difference is relatively slight. Lucky people can get presale tickets that cost lesser than what they go for at a general sale. That would be the ideal case scenario. 

If you’re looking for presale tickets, make sure to secure your spot at the upcoming event by getting your sofi stadium parking tickets early. Get early access to tickets and secure your spot at exciting events by exploring the presale options provided here.

To get access to presale events, what you’ll need is a unique access code


Event organizers and the artists themselves give these out to verified fans and members. If you’re part of the artist’s fan club or use a credit card associated with the artist’s event organizers, you can expect to get such codes frequently. Pre-ordering albums, listening for updates on radio stations are other options. 

You could also sign up or register for presale codes on major concert ticket selling websites or music platforms you subscribe. These big companies are granted access to presale codes before an event and share them with a select number of loyal customers. Besides these, visit the artist’s or venue’s webpage and sign up for their newsletters. Get on their email list to receive event-related emails and other updates, including codes for presale codes if you’re lucky.

There are several ways to get your hands on these codes

You just need to keep alert and be on the watch out for the latest information. People go for presales when there’s an artist they like. They want to make sure that they do everything in their power to be able to watch them perform and show their idol support. If you’re one of them and you’re knee-deep into social media, we don’t have to remind you how important it is to keep tabs on your favorite artists via platforms like Instagram or Twitter. 

If you weren’t aware of how important that is, now you know. Following artists on social media, interacting with them, and showing your support can eventually get you a verified fan status. And when that happens, you’re not going to have to worry about getting access to presale codes every now and then. So, make sure you do your end of the work to make it happen.

Another way you can get presale codes is just by asking around. Who knows, there might be a fan who’s not making any plans to attend a concert but got emailed a presale code for the same? And, if it’s someone you know, you might get it for free. That would be pretty convenient, so don’t be shy to ask around if you need to. 

Certain third-party sellers and scalpers also give out presale codes but at a price


Watch out for such sellers because they could ask you for a hefty sum with the leverage they have against you. It’s advised that you steer clear of such offers unless they’re reliable, reasonable, and you’re in dire need. 

Instead, vigorously engage in the other activities mentioned above, like supporting artists through social media, signing up for newsletters, and so on. That should be enough to gain you some points and get you the presale codes you need. Take the initiative and enjoy the results.


The music industry is a gigantic body that thrives from the support it receives from music lovers everywhere. It makes getting tickets to events like concerts very competitive. Everybody wants in on a good time listening and dancing along to their favorite songs. 

Presales reward loyal fans with the opportunity to call dibs early and get them excited about the upcoming events of their favorite artists. We hope that this brief guide has shed some light on the phenomena and answered your questions on how it all works.