Mushrooms have been widely used for thousands of years, both for their medicinal properties and their nutritional value. Edible mushrooms have natural anti-inflammatory properties, as evidenced by extensive research on the topic. Inflammation is the immune system responding to stress, including pathogenic, chemical, and physical factors.
Inflammation is exacerbated by several factors, notably a deficit of microelements and nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, et al. As a superfood, mushrooms are roundly recommended as part of a balanced daily diet. From a nutritional perspective alone, mushrooms provide an abundance of curatives in the form of biometals, mycosteroids, carotenoids, phenolic compounds, indolic compounds, polysaccharides, vitamins, and useful fatty acids.
As a case in point, the metabolites from mushrooms of the Basidiomycota taxon have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, anti-stress agents, anticancer properties, and antioxidant benefits. Extensive studies on this topic indicate that there are plenty of health benefits and therapeutic benefits from edible mushroom extracts. These benefits are pronounced when people are suffering from inflammation in joints, muscles, tendons, and tissues.
How Do Reishi Mushrooms Assist with Anti-Inflammatory Properties?
Reishi mushrooms are universally known to provide strong curative benefits, particularly as it relates to inflammation. While edible mushrooms have been enjoyed for hundreds of years, it’s only in the last several decades that the scientific community has started to appreciate their value.
Indeed, studies on mushroom health benefits and side effects are well-covered in the literature and on the net, like at Reishi mushrooms have been linked to many health benefits such as improved well-being, lower levels of stress, anti-cancer properties, and a greatly improved immune system. While the reishi mushroom is bitter, it is widely consumed across Eastern Asia.
The ancient Chinese have used edible mushrooms for thousands of years in traditional medicine. Various scientific studies indicate that there are hundreds of bioactive compounds in reishi mushrooms. Many of these have powerful curative effects on stress, pain, and inflammation. Among the many health benefits gleaned from studies on reishi mushrooms are the following:
Minimal side effects reported
- Effective at combating bacterial infections
- Strongly supports a healthy immune system
- Reductions in inflammation, and relief of pain
- Energy inducing compounds that fight fatigue
- Relieves stress by supplying body with needed nutrients
- Prolific source of antioxidants with anti-aging properties
Over the years, traditional medicine in the Orient has given many different nicknames to reishi mushrooms, including the 10,000-Year-Old Mushroom, and the King of Herbs. A herbal medicine among those in the know, reishi mushrooms are fast gaining traction as the preferred natural alternative to anti-inflammatory medications.
Owing to its ability to enhance the quality and longevity of life, reishi mushrooms are geared towards boosting the immune system, combating free radicals, and detoxifying the body. By regenerating liver cells much quicker, and by releasing free radicals from the liver, people tend to enjoy improved health overall.
The anti-inflammatory properties of reishi mushrooms are well noted in the literature. This is especially true for people suffering from different forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis. According to NIH (National Library of Medicine), Ganoderma lucidum Triterpenoid has strong anti-inflammatory effects when treating Crohn’s disease – inflammation of the GI tract.
Since the current medications for treating Crohn’s have strong side effects, healthy alternatives are being sought out by the medical community. One of them with strong anti-inflammatory effects owing to its bioactive compounds is Ganoderma lucidum, otherwise known as the reishi mushroom.
How Safe Are Reishi Mushrooms to Eat?

This edible mushroom is a reddish laccate species, with limited availability in China and Europe. It grows amongst the K hardwood trees. Among others, scientists and medical doctors believe that this fungus is effective for treating hepatitis and bronchitis.
It helps to increase T-cell activity and stimulates phagocytosis. In vivo, it increases CD4 cells, and it even has antidepressant properties. While consumption of reishi mushrooms is generally well tolerated, there are several side effects that may be unpleasant such as dry mouth and nose, itchy throat or nose, upset stomach, or allergies.
When reishi mushrooms are consumed in moderation, and for the right purpose they are safe to eat, particularly in very small quantities such as 6g to 12g extract daily. They can certainly alleviate inflammation and stress, and assist with a good night’s rest.