Sousaphones are famous for their deep, rich sounds that serve as a backbone for a variety of musical compositions. Even though the instrument seems to be greatly underestimated compared to its cousins such as the tuba, new research shows that playing it can be quite beneficial for your brain.
While it may sound a bit unusual, every sousaphone player would certainly agree that they experience many advantages by playing their instruments. In this article, we’ll discuss this topic in detail, so keep on reading to find out more!
1. Playing the sousaphone influences our mood

The vibrations you feel when you hear someone playing the sousaphone are enough to give you shivers. Imagine how big the impact would be if you were to produce those sounds yourself. We all know that music can have a profound effect on our emotions and feelings. However, playing the tunes yourself is a much bigger mood booster!
If you were to ask a sousaphone player what do they do when they’re feeling down, their answer would probably be- playing some music! Everyone needs a creative outlet, and it just so happens that playing music is a perfect way to unwind.
Overall, if you’ve been struggling with mood swings, we suggest you take up an instrument. The sousaphone is perfect for this because it’s relatively easy to learn, unlike the violin or a contrabass.
2. Improves memory
Research shows that learning to play music engages the same parts of the brain as reading does. So, yes, learning how to play the sousaphone can improve your focus and memory. Of course, it will take a lot of hard work and determination, but you’ll also gain so much during the learning process, so it’s completely worth it.
While people who start playing young usually benefit the most, it’s never too late to learn! You can still experience major improvements when it comes to your memory and focus, so don’t hesitate to at least try!
3. Build strong relationships

The sousaphone shines the best when paired up with other instruments. So, there’s a high chance you’ll meet a lot of other musicians once you begin playing this wonderful instrument. Music bonds people together, there’s no way in denying that! However, the connection that exists between fellow band-members is something hard to replicate. If you want to understand it, you’ll have to experience it first!
However, that’s not all there is to it. You’ll also gain some valuable skills such as teamwork and coordination. It takes a lot of work to begin properly harmonizing with the rest of the team. These skills are not unique to music, you’ll be able to apply them to your daily life as well.
Besides, socializing and working with others to create some beautiful sounds can have a positive effect on your mind. After all, humans are social creatures, so connecting with other people can make you happier than you may think.
4. Enhance your senses
Playing an instrument makes you engage with multiple senses at once. You’ll need to listen, move, and look at your instrument, all at the same time. Once you’ve had enough practice, this will become as natural as breathing to you.
Most sousaphone players are adept at doing multiple things at once, simply because they’ve been practicing it for so long. These skills can help you with more than just one part of your life. If you, for example, work at a fast-paced office, you’ll quickly see you’ve improved at multi-tasking. The same can be applied to your home life.
5. Reduces anxiety and depression

If you lead a stressful, busy lifestyle, as most people do in the modern world, you’ll probably feel anxious from time to time. Anxiety is a normal human emotion, but it can sometimes leave us completely overwhelmed.
Luckily, music therapy was proven effective in fighting both anxiety and depression. Both listening and playing can soothe our minds and give us the space we need to unwind. In that sense, playing an instrument is similar to meditation. You’ll quickly see how all of your negative feelings tend to drift away once you begin playing your sousaphone.
Other than that, hearing or playing our favorite tunes releases dopamine inside our bodies, which can help in managing the symptoms of depression. Of course, if everything ever gets so overbearing you can’t handle it anymore, make sure to seek professional help.
6. Increased blood flow to your brain
Short bursts of musical training can increase the blood flow to your brain. So, if you ever feel tired or unmotivated, playing your sousaphone can give you an instant energy boost! It’s great for situations where you’re too tired to exercise, but you need a way to wake yourself up.
So, the next time you feel drowsy and unable to focus, have a short jamming session until you’re ready to go back to your daily responsibilities. Besides, the sousaphone is quite large of an instrument, so lifting it up and holding it can help you stretch those tired muscles!
7. Learn self-discipline

Even as adults, we often struggle to stop ourselves from procrastinating and we easily fall back into our bad habits. Well, as we mentioned before, learning an instrument takes a lot of determination and dedication. It’s also extremely rewarding! You’ll be able to see your improvement pretty quickly, so you’re unlikely to give up on trying to learn it.
After practicing becomes a routine, procrastination will be a thing of the past! Therefore, getting yourself a sousaphone is a good investment to make! Of course, instruments can be quite expensive. If you’re on a tight budget but you can’t wait to start playing your instrument, make sure to check websites like, where you can find used sousaphones for sale.
The bottom line
The benefits of playing the sousaphone are many: it soothes your mind, keeps you focused, enhances your senses, and keeps you from procrastinating. Overall, sousaphones are an amazing investment to make, as they’ll keep your brain engaged and active. You’ll also get to meet a lot of wonderful people, and you’ll have another skill to show off to your friends and family!