To properly protect your outdoor furniture, you must first understand the climate in your area. Does it rain frequently? Do the temperatures go below zero? These are only some of the crucial factors you’ll have to think about. But, these aren’t the only things that can affect the condition of your tables and chairs, things such as too much sun can also impact it.
This is why you might be wondering – what can I do in order to preserve my outdoor furniture from the elements? Fortunately for all homeowners looking for an answer to this question, the article below might help you. Let’s take a closer look at the list of ways to protect the fittings in your backyard:
Before Anything Else, Consider The Materials

When talking about properly protecting the furniture located in your backyard or deck, you must consider the materials the pieces are made out of, especially since it’ll dictate what you’ll need to do. Some of the most common materials used for manufacturing outdoor tables and chairs are:
Plastic – one of the things that can completely destroy the look of your plastic furniture is UV rays. In order to preserve it, you’ll have to apply a layer of a protector with a roller or a brush. By doing so, it won’t become faded or warped because of the sunlight and rays.
Wood – if you live in an area where there is a lot of moisture and rain, you’ll have to coat your wooden table and chairs with a waterproof sealant. If you do, it’ll prevent the lumber from absorbing all the excess liquid and moisture, hence, it won’t split or warp. You could also choose to paint it since it’ll act as a sealant as well.
Wicker/Rattan – this is one of the materials that will quickly dry under the sun, however, if you apply a sealant, it’ll definitely diminish the look and value of the piece. So, if you live in a sunny area, you’ll have to mist it at least twice a month in order for it to retain its colors and flexibility.
Metals – if the furniture in your backyard is made from any type of metal including iron, one of the biggest problems that you’ll need to avoid is rust. This is why you’ll want to ensure that the pieces are covered during rain and when it stops raining, you should ensure that they’re dry.
You Must Clean And Maintain The Pieces Frequently

According to the experts from, no matter what materials the furniture is made from, you must ensure that you clean and maintain it frequently. Similar to how you’ll use different products for coating and preserving the pieces, there are also different products and methods for washing and maintaining them, including:
Plastic – if the chairs and tables are made from plastic, you’re quite lucky since it’s the simplest and easiest material to maintain. To go through the process, you can simply use a gardening hose, pressure washer, or if you want to ensure that it’s extra neat, fill up a bucket with water, pour some dish soap in it, and start scrubbing.
Wood – besides using a wet sponge to wash the wood, there isn’t a lot of things that you could do in order to maintain and clean it, especially since it’ll absorb liquid quickly. Hence, you could apply a coat of sealant that will restore its color and at the same time, act as a protector against the elements.
Wicker/Rattan – most commonly, the pieces made from wicker or rattan has a lot of holes and details, which is why you should brush and dust them frequently. And, since you’ll use water to mist it from time to time, you’ll be able to get rid of any debris or dirt stuck in all the crevices.
Metal – again, rust is your biggest enemy with furniture made out of any type of metal, so, to maintain it, you should apply paste wax to it. However, before applying it, you’ll want to clean it with water and dish soap, leave it to entirely dry, and then apply the paste wax that will repel any water.
What Should I Do During Winter?

During the colder months, you’ll want to try to protect all the chairs and tables in your backyard, especially when it starts snowing. If you don’t do this, the cold weather won’t only influence the color and durability of the chairs and tables, but it could easily lead to your belongings being ruined.
Hence, when it starts getting colder and when it starts snowing in your area, you could choose to either place a plastic tarp over all the pieces or if you have the available space, bring all the chairs and tables inside. By doing either of the two things, you’ll definitely ensure that everything is safe from the cold.
What About All The Cushions?

If you have aluminum, iron, or steel chairs, it’s possible that you use cushions to make them more comfortable. Of course, you’ll want to wash the cushions from time to time, but to make the entire maintenance process easier and less time-consuming, you can purchase large bins or containers.
Why should you do this? Well, by doing so, you could place all the cushions in the container or bin when your done, which will ensure that they remain clean, as well as shielded from water, heat, or other elements. Keep in mind, when you place the cushions on the chairs, you’ll want to secure them in order to ensure that they don’t fly away if there are strong winds.
Protecting your outdoor furniture is one of the most important things you could do, especially since the elements can easily influence the look, feel, and value of it. Additionally, if left unprotected, you might have to purchase new furniture for the next season, which will leave a huge dent in your budget.
So, now that you’re aware of all the things you could do in order to protect the tables and chairs in your backyard, you shouldn’t lose any more time. Instead, determine which products you’ll need to purchase and then start protecting your furniture from the weather elements.