
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up Wildcard Certificate

The installation of a wildcard certificate is a vital process for any organization that wants to protect its website and its subdomains. However, there are pitfalls that most organizations make while issuing wildcard certificate that can hamper the efficiency of the certificate and its security. In this essay, we are going to look at some of the guidelines that should be avoided when implementing wildcard certificates to avoid implementation hitches.

Use of insecure algorithm

Wildcard Certificate

One  pitfall that has to be avoided when setting up a wildcard certificate is the usage of old or insecure encryption algorithms. It is advisable to apply up-to-date encryption types like RSA or ECC to protect your wildcard certificate. This implies that if you choose to stick with old algorithms, your website is at a high risk of being attacked and most of your data being corrupted.

Improper settings

One critical mistake to avoid is incorrectly configuring the settings of a wildcard certificate for all subdomains. This configuration is essential to ensure that each subdomain is properly recognized and secured. If the settings are not correctly configured, some subdomains may be left vulnerable to attacks. This vulnerability can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security issues, which compromise the integrity and security of the entire website.

Properly setting up the wildcard certificate involves several steps. First, you must ensure that the certificate covers all intended subdomains. This might involve updating DNS records and server configurations to reflect the presence of the wildcard certificate. Additionally, regular monitoring and testing of the certificate’s coverage are necessary to identify and resolve any lapses in security promptly.

Neglecting these steps can result in significant security risks. For instance, attackers may exploit unprotected subdomains to infiltrate the main domain, potentially accessing sensitive data and systems. Therefore, meticulous attention to detail in configuring and maintaining the wildcard certificate is paramount to safeguarding your web infrastructure against potential threats.

Using self-signed certificate

Using a self-signed certificate

Using a self-signed certificate can be beneficial, especially during the testing and development phases. These certificates allow developers to create secure connections without the need for external validation, simplifying initial setup and reducing costs. However, self-signed certificates should not be used in a production environment due to significant security concerns.

Certificates that have been generated by the subject itself do not undergo the rigorous validation processes that those issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) do. This lack of third-party verification makes them less secure and less trustworthy. In particular, self-signed wildcard certificates pose an even greater risk. Wildcard certificates cover multiple subdomains, and if compromised, can jeopardize the security of an entire domain structure.

In a production environment, the primary concern is ensuring that data transmissions are secure and trusted. Certificates signed by a CA provide this trust because CAs are recognized entities that follow strict procedures to validate the identity of the certificate holder. This validation process helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and other forms of cyber threats.

Not protecting the key

Not protecting the private key is another common mistake that must be avoided when creating a wildcard certificate. The private key is a crucial component, as it is used to establish secure communications and verify the identity of the server. If the private key is compromised, the security of the entire certificate is at risk, potentially allowing unauthorized parties to intercept and manipulate sensitive data.

To prevent misuse, the private key must be kept secure at all times. This involves implementing stringent security measures to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the key. The key should be stored in a secure location, such as a hardware security module (HSM) or a dedicated key management system (KMS), which provides robust protection against theft or unauthorized access.

Additionally, access controls should be in place to limit who can handle the private key. Strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and regular access audits can help ensure that only trusted individuals can use or access the key. It’s also important to regularly update and rotate keys to minimize the risk of long-term exposure in case of a security breach.

Proper key management practices include encrypting the private key when it is stored and transmitted. Encryption adds an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for attackers to gain access to the key even if they manage to infiltrate the storage system. Furthermore, organizations should establish and follow a comprehensive key management policy that outlines the procedures for key generation, distribution, storage, rotation, and revocation.

Using same certificate for multiple sites

However, it is important not to use the same wildcard certificate for different websites as this is dangerous. It is recommended to have separate wildcard certificate for every website to make sure that they are independent and secure. Sharing of the same for many websites is dangerous because it will endanger all the websites in case of a breach.

Not testing the certificate

It is crucial to conduct a thorough test after creating a wildcard certificate. This testing process ensures that the certificate is properly configured and functioning correctly. If this step is overlooked, preventable problems are likely to arise, leading to potential security risks. By validating the setup through testing, one can confirm that everything is in order and operating as intended. Failure to perform this essential check can result in various avoidable issues and expose the system to vulnerabilities.


wildcard certificate

Thus, the establishment of the wildcard certificate is a rather challenging procedure that needs a lot of attention. Thus, organizations do not use outdated encryption algorithms, do not configure the certificate for all subdomains, and do not renew on time, it which will help to avoid problems with the implementation of the wildcard certificate. However, the private key has to be secured, one should use different certificates for different websites, and the certificate must be tested after it has been set up. Thus, it is necessary to avoid these mistakes in order to improve the security of organizational websites and prevent critical data leakage.