Michael Jackson by himself chosen Tatiana Thumbtzen (one of the top models back in time), because of her physical appearance for “The Way You Make Me Feel” in 1987. Michael was impressed by her slim look, curly hair and she was perfect for his music video. Also, Tatiana had affection towards MJ as an admirer before she even meets, believed to be a fan.
There was speculation that the couple had sparked for each other. In Tatiana’s words, the climax scene of “The Way You Make Me Feel” was demanding a kiss, and Tatiana also was ready for that, but the music video director asked her not to kiss him “as he’s too shy for that”, she agreed and a hug delicate ends the video. But that was not MJ words, she told in the interview that MJ was also ready as his breath had the fragrance of mint.
In the following compilation of Tatiana’s interview clips by the detail, she opens up that she had experienced destruction not knowing why she never get a chance even to talk to MJ after the stage liplock between Tatiana and MJ during the Bad tour. She pointed out after the kiss there were many people who were against her including Miko Brando, Frank Michael DiLeo, and some of his team members. Have look at the video to know more.
In my opinion, MJ had a bad company, he was surrounded by some of the people who later backfired MJ and spoke against him for a shake of some dollars.
What do you think to leave in the comment section that whatever that happened with her was good or not?