If you never experienced a car accident, then that’s great. Car wrecks can impact your life, and probably not for the better. However, even if you follow all traffic rules and laws, you might have a careless or intoxicated driver who plows into you unexpectedly.
If that happens, you might at least consider suing the other driver. Car accident lawsuits require expert counsel, so you must locate a lawyer who you feel gives you the best chance to collect some money. You might get that cash via a settlement offer, or perhaps you’ll go through the whole trial process and get a jury verdict in your favor.
Let’s talk about the times when you will most need a car accident lawyer. You may never reach this stage, but if you do, picking the right lawyer could make an enormous difference in the direction your life goes from this point forward.
When Your Insurance Company Won’t Honor Your Claim

If another car hits your vehicle while you’re driving, then in the aftermath, you must think about whether you live in an at-fault or a no-fault state. If you live in an at-fault state, the insurance of the motorist who caused the wreck should pay for the damages. If you live in a no-fault state, then your insurance should cover the damages, even if it is clear the other driver caused the wreck.
Some people prefer at-fault states, while others like no-fault ones more. Both systems seem to work relatively well. You must conduct yourself a little differently depending on whether you’re in one or the other, though.
No matter whether your company denied the accident claim or the other driver’s insurance company denied it, if this happens, you should get a skilled personal injury lawyer. You will want to locate one who handles car accident lawsuits specifically.
They can help you as you try to convince the insurance company to pay for the damages following the accident. Those might include money for medical bills, lost wages if you can’t work, money for pain and suffering, etc.
You probably can’t deal with the insurance company on your own. You won’t know the law, so you don’t know what recourse you have against them, if any. A reputable personal injury lawyer will know those things, though.
When the Insurance Company Doesn’t Cover All Your Crash-Related Expenses

Maybe you have a situation where your insurance company, or the other driver’s insurance company, in an at-fault state, doesn’t give you enough money to cover all of your expenses. They might accept your claim, but they may modify it in some way.
Usually, if that happens, it’s because the company got a recommendation or information from a claims adjuster. These individuals work for the insurance company. If they say that the company should give you some money, but not as much as you feel you need, that’s another instance where you will probably want to have a personal injury attorney on your side.
Your lawyer can go to bat for you against the insurance company. If necessary, they can compel them to appear in court to explain why they wouldn’t cover your whole claim.
Often, an insurance company will submit and give you some additional money if you can demonstrate that you have legal counsel who knows the profession and will torment the company if they don’t fold. You need a legal bulldog with the tenacity to act that way for you.
If the Other Driver Drove Off After the Accident
If a driver hit your vehicle and then drove off without waiting for the police, you will definitely want to hire a lawyer. You will certainly have a lawsuit on your hands after that, and you can probably win it without too much trouble.
You must remain at a car accident scene until the police arrive. If the other driver left the scene without waiting, that is a felony.
This driver will face criminal charges, but the cops can handle that. You can sue the other driver as part of a civil trial. Civil and criminal trials have entirely separate procedures.
You will want a lawyer who can compel the other driver to show up in court. Your lawyer can go after them and try to get them to pay for your economic and non-economic damages following the crash.
Many times, your lawyer can force a settlement offer in such a situation. The defendant will almost always prefer that versus going through the trial process and getting a jury’s verdict which will probably go against them. If that happens, they’ll probably have to pay you even more money.
If You Got in a Wreck That Involved Several Drivers

Maybe you got in a car accident with not just one other car, but several. That can happen on the highway sometimes.
Perhaps a car hits you, and then you strike another vehicle, which in turn hits another one. This kind of chain reaction crash can cause a nightmare for someone trying to navigate the aftermath and the insurance claims that will likely accompany it.
Your lawyer can help you figure out who you can sue if anyone. If you feel that someone else caused the crash, then you can probably collect some money. First, though, you and your lawyer must determine who you can name as a defendant.
When You’re Feeling Helpless and Confused Following a Car Accident
You might experience a situation where you feel sad, confused, or depressed following a car wreck. Maybe you did not take any legal action immediately after the accident, but now, after some time, you still feel like you should sue someone or at least look into that possibility.
You can at least consult a personal injury lawyer. If you tell them what happened, then they can tell you definitely whether you can sue anyone or not. Even if they say it’s not possible, at least you will know.